CT Radon Levels
Happy New Year from all of us at Schaefer Inspection Service! We wish you peace and good health in 2021…..and we hope to be of service.
There are so many threats to our health and well-being these days. The pandemic, economic stressors, isolation during this protracted and difficult period in our lives, are sources of strain for all of us. We are here to try to make your home ownership a bit less stressful and safer.
January has long been designated as National Radon Awareness Month, since winter is when indoor radon levels tend to be higher. Radon gas is radioactive (emits radiation) and considered the second leading cause of lung cancer in the US. Only smoking creates higher risk. The radioactive elements can become lodged in lung material causing damage leading to lung cancer. Breathing the air containing the gas and decay particles can be a threat to all of us. There are approximately 21,000 radon lung cancer deaths each year in the US.
The source of radon is uranium decaying in the soil, rock and water under your home. Radon gas and decay particles enter your home from the ground through the foundation slab. Because radon gas is odorless and colorless there is not a way to know if it is present and in what levels unless you perform a high quality test.
Our testing devices are continuous electronic monitors which measure the radon levels 22 times each hour, over the minimum 48 hour test period, to assure accuracy. Radon levels can be affected by weather, season, humidity levels, and closed house conditions during the test not maintained. Age of the home, neighborhood, slab construction, are not necessarily qualifying factors. Connecticut radon levels average 3.4 pCi/l compared to the national average of 1.3 pCi/l. The Environmental Protection Agency recommends that all homes in the US be tested for radon levels, and if the result falls at 4.0 pCi/l or above then mitigation is recommended. After performing your radon test we will call you to discuss results and corrective options if your test result falls at action level. Our device also offers you a low level carbon monoxide reading, as CO can also create unsafe living conditions. We hope to help you create the safest environment for you and your family.
Stay tuned later this month for our blog on Radon Mitigation!