Aligning Inspection Expectations:
Aligning inspection expectations:
There can be some misunderstandings when it comes to expectations of a home inspection and what a buyer and agent believe should and shouldn’t be inspected. In the previous blog we covered what we do assess during an inspection, and now we are going to cover what not to expect.
An inspector is not hired to compliment, pass, or fail a home. They are trained to give their professional opinion based upon their education and experience.
The inspection is an impartial, visual assessment, not intended to reflect the value of the property, or to make any representation as to the advisability of purchase. We will inspect the readily accessible, visually observable, installed systems of the property. Your inspector will inspect for systems and components that are not functioning properly, are significantly defective, unsafe, or are near the end of their service life.
It is important to note that latent deficiencies may not be identified during your inspection and unexpected repairs should be anticipated. The inspection is not a guarantee or warranty of any kind. Some areas may prohibit full viewing because of objects, belongings, or impediments such as snow, which block or hinder investigation of the components. We call this restrictions or limitations of the inspection.
If a repair has been recommended in your report then the work should only be performed by a qualified licensed individual. Check out our Contractor Network where you can search by service needed and by your town. Your inspection company is not responsible for repairs made by the sellers or unqualified individuals.
If certain repairs are completed before closing an additional inspection may be requested to determine if it was successfully done.
We always recommend that a thorough final walk-through be performed within 24 hours of closing and transfer of possession to avoid any surprises. We offer a walk-through checklist in your buyers’ folders which will looks like this
We recommend buyers and agents read the Connecticut Home Inspectors Standard of Practice to understand the scope of the property inspection.